Interface InterceptorProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
Binding, Bus, Client, Endpoint, Service
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAttributedInterceptorProvider, AbstractBasicInterceptorProvider, AbstractEndpointFactory, AbstractInterceptorProvidingDataBinding, BusDefinitionParser.BusConfig, ClientImpl, EndpointImpl, ExtensionManagerBus, ServiceImpl, SpringBus, StaxDataBinding

public interface InterceptorProvider
The InterceptorProvider interface is implemented by objects that have interceptor chains associated with them. The methods in this interface provide the ability to add and remove interceptors to the chains of the InterceptorProvider.
  • Method Details

    • getInInterceptors

      List<Interceptor<? extends Message>> getInInterceptors()
      Returns the list of interceptors attached to the incoming interceptor chain of the object.
      List incoming interceptor chain
    • getOutInterceptors

      List<Interceptor<? extends Message>> getOutInterceptors()
      Returns the list of interceptors attached to the outgoing interceptor chain of the object.
      List outgoing interceptor chain
    • getInFaultInterceptors

      List<Interceptor<? extends Message>> getInFaultInterceptors()
      Returns the list of interceptors attached to the incoming fault interceptor chain of the object.
      List incoming fault interceptor chain
    • getOutFaultInterceptors

      List<Interceptor<? extends Message>> getOutFaultInterceptors()
      Returns the list of interceptors attached to the outgoing fault interceptor chain of the object.
      List outgoing fault interceptor chain