Apache CXF API | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
BindingFaultFactory | |
MessageCallback | Called by RM code when messages accepted for sending and when acknowledged. |
RetransmissionQueue | |
RetryStatus | A generic interface to represent the retrying status of a repeating activity at some WS-RM component. |
SequenceIdentifierGenerator |
Class Summary | |
AbstractEndpoint | |
AbstractRMInterceptor<T extends Message> | Interceptor responsible for implementing exchange of RM protocol messages, aggregating RM metadata in the application message and processing of RM metadata contained in incoming application messages. |
AbstractSequence | |
AcknowledgementNotification | Notification of a message acknowledgment for a source sequence. |
CapturingXMLWriter | |
Destination | |
DestinationSequence | |
EncoderDecoder | Base class for converting WS-ReliableMessaging structures to and from XML. |
EncoderDecoder10AImpl | WS-ReliableMessaging 1.0 encoding and decoding. |
EncoderDecoder10Impl | WS-ReliableMessaging 1.0 encoding and decoding. |
EncoderDecoder11Impl | WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1/1.2 encoding and decoding. |
ManagedRMEndpoint | The ManagedRMEndpoint is a JMX managed bean for RMEndpoint. |
ManagedRMManager | The ManagedRMManager is a JMX managed bean for RMManager. |
MessageCountingCallback | Implementation just counts the number of messages accepted for sending and the number acknowledged, allows checking / waiting for completion. |
Proxy | |
RetransmissionInterceptor | Just absorbs faults which will be handled by retransmission. |
RewindableInputStream | Input stream wrapper to support rewinding to start of input. |
RM10Constants | Holder for names for WS-ReliableMessaging 1.0. |
RM11Constants | Holder for names for WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1. |
RMCaptureInInterceptor | |
RMCaptureOutInterceptor | |
RMConfiguration | Configuration parameters for reliable messaging. |
RMConstants | Holder for WS-RM names (of headers, namespaces etc.). |
RMContextUtils | Holder for utility methods relating to contexts. |
RMDeliveryInterceptor | Interceptor used for InOrder delivery of messages to the destination. |
RMEndpoint | |
RMInInterceptor | |
RMManager | |
RMMessageConstants | A container for WS-RM message constants. |
RMOutInterceptor | |
RMProperties | |
RMUtils | |
SequenceMonitor | |
Servant | |
Source | |
SourceSequence | |
VersionTransformer | This class is responsible for transforming between the native WS-ReliableMessaging schema version (currently http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-rx/wsrm/200702) and exposed version (which may be the 200702 namespace, the http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/rm namespace using the old http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing WS-Addressing namespace, or 2005/02 namespace with the newer http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing WS-Addressing namespace). |
WrappedEndpoint | |
WrappedService |
Enum Summary | |
ProtocolVariation | Supported protocol variations. |
RMConfiguration.DeliveryAssurance |
Exception Summary | |
RMException | PolicyException is the type of RuntimeException thrown by any exceptions encountered by the policy framework. |
SequenceFault | Holder for SequenceFault information. |
Apache CXF API | |||||||||