Apache CXF API

Interface TokenRenewer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TokenRenewer

An interface that can renew a security token.

Method Summary
 boolean canHandleToken(ReceivedToken renewTarget)
          Return true if this TokenRenewer implementation is able to renew a token.
 boolean canHandleToken(ReceivedToken renewTarget, String realm)
          Return true if this TokenRenewer implementation is able to renew a token in the given realm.
 TokenRenewerResponse renewToken(TokenRenewerParameters tokenParameters)
          Renew a token given a TokenRenewerParameters
 void setAllowRenewalAfterExpiry(boolean allowRenewalAfterExpiry)
          boolean for enabling/disabling renewal after expiry.
 void setVerifyProofOfPossession(boolean verifyProofOfPossession)
          boolean for enabling/disabling verification of proof of possession.

Method Detail


void setVerifyProofOfPossession(boolean verifyProofOfPossession)
boolean for enabling/disabling verification of proof of possession.


void setAllowRenewalAfterExpiry(boolean allowRenewalAfterExpiry)
boolean for enabling/disabling renewal after expiry.


boolean canHandleToken(ReceivedToken renewTarget)
Return true if this TokenRenewer implementation is able to renew a token.


boolean canHandleToken(ReceivedToken renewTarget,
                       String realm)
Return true if this TokenRenewer implementation is able to renew a token in the given realm.


TokenRenewerResponse renewToken(TokenRenewerParameters tokenParameters)
Renew a token given a TokenRenewerParameters

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF