Apache CXF API

Package org.apache.cxf.sts.token.provider

Interface Summary
AttributeStatementProvider An interface that allows a pluggable way of obtaining an AttributeStatementBean.
AuthDecisionStatementProvider An interface that allows a pluggable way of obtaining an AuthDecisionStatementBean.
AuthenticationStatementProvider An interface that allows a pluggable way of obtaining an AuthenticationStatementBean.
ConditionsProvider An interface that allows a pluggable way of obtaining a SAML ConditionsBean used to populate the Conditions of a SAML Assertion.
SamlCustomHandler Implementation of this interface updates SAML tokens in any custom way before it will be signed by SAMLTokenProvider.
SubjectProvider An interface that allows a pluggable way of obtaining a SAML SubjectBean used to populate the Subject of a SAML Assertion.
TokenProvider An interface that can provide a security token.

Class Summary
DefaultAttributeStatementProvider A default AttributeStatementProvider implementation.
DefaultConditionsProvider A default implementation of the ConditionsProvider interface.
DefaultSubjectProvider A default implementation of SubjectProvider to create a SAML Assertion.
SamlCallbackHandler This CallbackHandler implementation is populated with SAML Beans by the SAMLTokenProvider, and is tasked with setting them on a SAMLCallback object, which will be parsed (by WSS4J) into a SAML Assertion.
SAMLTokenProvider A TokenProvider implementation that provides a SAML Token.
SCTProvider A TokenProvider implementation that provides a SecurityContextToken.
SymmetricKeyHandler Some common functionality relating to parsing and generating Symmetric Keys.
TokenProviderParameters This class encapsulates the parameters that will be passed to a TokenProvider instance to create a token.
TokenProviderResponse This class encapsulates the response from a TokenProvider instance after creating a token.
TokenReference A class that encapsulates how a token should be referenced

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF