Apache CXF API | |||||||||
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.aegis.databinding |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.databinding that return MessagePartInfo | |
MessagePartInfo |
AegisDatabinding.getPartFromClass(Class<?> cls)
Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.databinding with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
AegisType |
AegisDatabinding.getType(MessagePartInfo part)
Object |
ElementDataReader.read(MessagePartInfo part,
Element input)
Read an object from the input, applying additional conventions based on the WSDL message part. |
Object |
XMLStreamDataReader.read(MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamReader input)
void |
ElementDataWriter.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
Element output)
void |
XMLStreamDataWriter.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamWriter output)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.binding.corba.interceptors |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.binding.corba.interceptors that return MessagePartInfo | |
protected MessagePartInfo |
CorbaStreamFaultOutInterceptor.getFaultMessagePartInfo(OperationInfo opInfo,
QName faultName)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.binding.soap |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.binding.soap with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
protected boolean |
SoapBindingConfiguration.isHeader(BindingOperationInfo op,
MessagePartInfo part)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.model |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.model that return MessagePartInfo | |
MessagePartInfo |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.model that return types with arguments of type MessagePartInfo | |
List<MessagePartInfo> |
List<MessagePartInfo> |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.model with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
void |
SoapHeaderInfo.setPart(MessagePartInfo part)
Method parameters in org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.model with type arguments of type MessagePartInfo | |
void |
SoapBodyInfo.setAttachments(List<MessagePartInfo> attachments)
void |
SoapBodyInfo.setParts(List<MessagePartInfo> parts)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.databinding |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.databinding with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
Object |
DataReader.read(MessagePartInfo part,
T input)
Read an object from the input, applying additional conventions based on the WSDL message part. |
void |
DataWriter.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
T output)
Write an object to an output sink, including extra processing based on the WSDL service model for a particular message part. |
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.databinding.source |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.databinding.source with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
Object |
NodeDataReader.read(MessagePartInfo part,
Node input)
Object |
XMLStreamDataReader.read(MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamReader input)
void |
NodeDataWriter.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
Node output)
void |
XMLStreamDataWriter.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamWriter output)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.databinding.stax |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.databinding.stax with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
Object |
StaxDataBinding.XMLStreamDataReader.read(MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamReader input)
void |
StaxDataBinding.XMLStreamDataWriter.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamWriter output)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.endpoint.dynamic |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.endpoint.dynamic with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
void |
TypeClassInitializer.begin(MessagePartInfo part)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.interceptor |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.interceptor that return MessagePartInfo | |
protected MessagePartInfo |
AbstractInDatabindingInterceptor.findMessagePart(Exchange exchange,
Collection<OperationInfo> operations,
QName name,
boolean client,
int index,
Message message)
Find the next possible message part in the message. |
Method parameters in org.apache.cxf.interceptor with type arguments of type MessagePartInfo | |
protected void |
AbstractOutDatabindingInterceptor.writeParts(Message message,
Exchange exchange,
BindingOperationInfo operation,
MessageContentsList objs,
List<MessagePartInfo> parts)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.javascript.service |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.javascript.service with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
void |
ServiceJavascriptBuilder.end(MessagePartInfo part)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.jaxb |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.jaxb with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
protected Annotation[] |
JAXBDataBase.getJAXBAnnotation(MessagePartInfo mpi)
protected boolean |
JAXBDataBase.honorJAXBAnnotations(MessagePartInfo part)
static void |
JAXBEncoderDecoder.marshall(Marshaller marshaller,
Object elValue,
MessagePartInfo part,
Object source)
static void |
JAXBEncoderDecoder.marshallException(Marshaller marshaller,
Exception elValue,
MessagePartInfo part,
Object source)
static void |
JAXBEncoderDecoder.marshallNullElement(Marshaller marshaller,
Object source,
MessagePartInfo part)
static Object |
JAXBEncoderDecoder.unmarshall(Unmarshaller u,
Object source,
MessagePartInfo part,
boolean unwrap)
static Exception |
JAXBEncoderDecoder.unmarshallException(Unmarshaller u,
Object source,
MessagePartInfo part)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.jaxb.io |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.jaxb.io with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
Marshaller |
DataWriterImpl.createMarshaller(Object elValue,
MessagePartInfo part)
Object |
DataReaderImpl.read(MessagePartInfo part,
T reader)
void |
DataWriterImpl.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
T output)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.jaxws.support |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.jaxws.support with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
Long |
JaxWsServiceConfiguration.getWrapperPartMinOccurs(MessagePartInfo mpi)
protected void |
JaxWsServiceFactoryBean.initializeParameter(MessagePartInfo part,
Class<?> rawClass,
Type type)
Boolean |
JaxWsServiceConfiguration.isWrapperPartQualified(MessagePartInfo mpi)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.jibx |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.jibx with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
void |
JibxSchemaInitializer.begin(MessagePartInfo part)
void |
JibxSchemaInitializer.checkForExistence(MessagePartInfo part)
Object |
JibxDataReader.read(MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamReader input)
void |
JibxDataWriter.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamWriter output)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.message |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.message with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
Object |
MessageContentsList.get(MessagePartInfo key)
boolean |
MessageContentsList.hasValue(MessagePartInfo key)
Object |
MessageContentsList.put(MessagePartInfo key,
Object value)
void |
MessageContentsList.remove(MessagePartInfo key)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.sdo |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.sdo with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
Object |
DataReaderImpl.read(MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamReader reader)
void |
NodeDataWriterImpl.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
Node output)
void |
DataWriterImpl.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamWriter output)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.service |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.service with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
void |
ServiceModelSchemaValidator.begin(MessagePartInfo part)
void |
ServiceModelVisitor.begin(MessagePartInfo part)
void |
ServiceModelVisitor.end(MessagePartInfo part)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.service.model |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.service.model that return MessagePartInfo | |
MessagePartInfo |
AbstractMessageContainer.addMessagePart(QName name)
Adds a message part to this container. |
MessagePartInfo |
AbstractMessageContainer.addMessagePart(String name)
MessagePartInfo |
AbstractMessageContainer.addOutOfBandMessagePart(QName name)
MessagePartInfo |
AbstractMessageContainer.getMessagePart(int n)
Returns the n'th message part. |
MessagePartInfo |
AbstractMessageContainer.getMessagePart(QName name)
Returns the message part with the given name, if found. |
MessagePartInfo |
AbstractMessageContainer.getMessagePartByIndex(int i)
Methods in org.apache.cxf.service.model that return types with arguments of type MessagePartInfo | |
List<MessagePartInfo> |
Returns all message parts for this message. |
List<MessagePartInfo> |
Map<QName,MessagePartInfo> |
List<MessagePartInfo> |
MessageInfo.getOrderedParts(List<String> order)
List<MessagePartInfo> |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.service.model with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
void |
AbstractMessageContainer.addMessagePart(MessagePartInfo part)
Adds a message part to this container. |
int |
AbstractMessageContainer.getMessagePartIndex(MessagePartInfo part)
static SchemaInfo |
ServiceModelUtil.getSchema(ServiceInfo serviceInfo,
MessagePartInfo messagePartInfo)
Method parameters in org.apache.cxf.service.model with type arguments of type MessagePartInfo | |
void |
BindingMessageInfo.setMessageParts(List<MessagePartInfo> messageParts)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.frontend.jaxws.processor.internal |
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.frontend.jaxws.processor.internal.mapper |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.frontend.jaxws.processor.internal.mapper with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
static JavaParameter |
ParameterMapper.map(JavaMethod jm,
MessagePartInfo part,
JavaType.Style style,
ToolContext context)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.wsdl.service.factory |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.wsdl.service.factory with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
protected void |
ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.checkForElement(ServiceInfo serviceInfo,
MessagePartInfo mpi)
Long |
AbstractServiceConfiguration.getWrapperPartMaxOccurs(MessagePartInfo mpi)
Long |
DefaultServiceConfiguration.getWrapperPartMaxOccurs(MessagePartInfo mpi)
long |
ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.getWrapperPartMaxOccurs(MessagePartInfo mpi)
Long |
AbstractServiceConfiguration.getWrapperPartMinOccurs(MessagePartInfo mpi)
Long |
DefaultServiceConfiguration.getWrapperPartMinOccurs(MessagePartInfo mpi)
long |
ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.getWrapperPartMinOccurs(MessagePartInfo mpi)
protected void |
ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.initializeParameter(MessagePartInfo part,
Class<?> rawClass,
Type type)
Boolean |
AbstractServiceConfiguration.isWrapperPartNillable(MessagePartInfo mpi)
Boolean |
DefaultServiceConfiguration.isWrapperPartNillable(MessagePartInfo mpi)
boolean |
ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.isWrapperPartNillable(MessagePartInfo mpi)
Boolean |
AbstractServiceConfiguration.isWrapperPartQualified(MessagePartInfo mpi)
boolean |
ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.isWrapperPartQualified(MessagePartInfo mpi)
Uses of MessagePartInfo in org.apache.cxf.xmlbeans |
Methods in org.apache.cxf.xmlbeans with parameters of type MessagePartInfo | |
Object |
DataReaderImpl.read(MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamReader reader)
void |
NodeDataWriterImpl.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
Node output)
void |
DataWriterImpl.write(Object obj,
MessagePartInfo part,
XMLStreamWriter output)
Apache CXF API | |||||||||