Apache CXF API

Package org.apache.cxf.configuration.jsse

Class Summary
SSLUtils Holder for utility methods related to manipulating SSL settings, common to the connection and listener factories (previously duplicated).
TLSClientParameters This class extends TLSParameterBase with client-specific SSL/TLS parameters.
TLSClientParametersConfig This class provides the TLSClientParameters that programmatically configure a HTTPConduit.
TLSParameterBase This class is the base class for SSL/TLS parameters that are common to both client and server sides.
TLSParameterJaxBUtils This class provides some functionality to convert the JAXB generated types in the security.xsd to the items needed to programatically configure the HTTPConduit and HTTPDestination with TLSClientParameters and TLSServerParameters respectively.
TLSServerParameters This class extends TLSParameterBase with service-specific SSL/TLS parameters.
TLSServerParametersConfig This class is used by Spring Config to convert the TLSServerParameters JAXB generated type into programmatic TLS Server Parameters for the configuration of the http-destination.

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF