Apache CXF API

Uses of Class

Packages that use BusException

Uses of BusException in org.apache.cxf.binding

Methods in org.apache.cxf.binding that throw BusException
 BindingFactory BindingFactoryManager.getBindingFactory(String name)
          Retrieves the BindingFactory registered with the given name.

Uses of BusException in org.apache.cxf.bus.managers

Methods in org.apache.cxf.bus.managers that throw BusException
 BindingFactory BindingFactoryManagerImpl.getBindingFactory(String namespace)
 ConduitInitiator ConduitInitiatorManagerImpl.getConduitInitiator(String namespace)
          Returns the conduit initiator for the given namespace, constructing it (and storing in the cache for future reference) if necessary, using its list of factory classname to namespace mappings.
 DestinationFactory DestinationFactoryManagerImpl.getDestinationFactory(String namespace)
          Returns the conduit initiator for the given namespace, constructing it (and storing in the cache for future reference) if necessary, using its list of factory classname to namespace mappings.

Uses of BusException in org.apache.cxf.endpoint

Methods in org.apache.cxf.endpoint that throw BusException
protected abstract  Endpoint AbstractEndpointFactory.createEndpoint()

Constructors in org.apache.cxf.endpoint that throw BusException
ServerImpl(Bus bus, Endpoint endpoint, DestinationFactory destinationFactory, BindingFactory bindingFactory)

Uses of BusException in org.apache.cxf.frontend

Methods in org.apache.cxf.frontend that throw BusException
protected  Endpoint AbstractWSDLBasedEndpointFactory.createEndpoint()
protected  EndpointInfo AbstractWSDLBasedEndpointFactory.createEndpointInfo(BindingInfo bindingInfo)

Uses of BusException in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs

Methods in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs that throw BusException
protected  Endpoint AbstractJAXRSFactoryBean.createEndpoint()
protected  EndpointInfo AbstractJAXRSFactoryBean.createEndpointInfo(Service service)

Uses of BusException in org.apache.cxf.transport

Methods in org.apache.cxf.transport that throw BusException
 ConduitInitiator ConduitInitiatorManager.getConduitInitiator(String name)
          Returns the ConduitInitiator registered with the specified name, loading the appropriate plugin if necessary.
 DestinationFactory DestinationFactoryManager.getDestinationFactory(String name)
          Returns the DestinationFactory registered with the specified name, loading the appropriate plugin if necessary.

Uses of BusException in org.apache.cxf.ws.security.trust

Methods in org.apache.cxf.ws.security.trust that throw BusException
protected  void AbstractSTSClient.createClient()
static Endpoint STSUtils.createSCEndpoint(Bus bus, String namespace, String transportId, String location, String soapVersion, org.apache.neethi.Policy policy)
static Endpoint STSUtils.createSTSEndpoint(Bus bus, String namespace, String transportId, String location, String soapVersion, org.apache.neethi.Policy policy, QName epName)
 Client AbstractSTSClient.getClient()

Uses of BusException in org.apache.cxf.wsdl11

Constructors in org.apache.cxf.wsdl11 that throw BusException

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF