Apache CXF API

Uses of Class

Packages that use AegisType

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis that return AegisType
 AegisType AegisContext.getRootType(Class<?> clazz)
          If a class was provided as part of the 'root' list, retrieve it's AegisType by Class.
 AegisType AegisContext.getRootType(QName schemaTypeName)
          If a class was provided as part of the root list, retrieve it's AegisType by schema type QName.

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis that return types with arguments of type AegisType
 Set<AegisType> AegisContext.getRootTypes()
          Retrieve the Aegis type objects for the root classes.

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis with parameters of type AegisType
 Object AegisElementDataReader.read(Element input, AegisType desiredType)
 Object AegisReader.read(ReaderT reader, AegisType desiredType)
          Read an object expecting a particular input type.
 Object AegisXMLStreamDataReader.read(XMLStreamReader reader, AegisType desiredType)
          Read an object expecting a particular input type.
 void AegisElementDataWriter.write(Object obj, QName elementName, boolean optional, Element output, AegisType aegisType)
 void AegisWriter.write(Object obj, QName elementName, boolean optional, SinkT output, AegisType aegisType)
          Write an object to the sink.
 void AegisXMLStreamDataWriter.write(Object obj, QName elementName, boolean optional, XMLStreamWriter output, AegisType aegisType)
          Write an object to the output.

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.databinding

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.databinding that return AegisType
 AegisType AegisDatabinding.getType(MessagePartInfo part)
 AegisType AegisDatabinding.getTypeFromClass(Class<?> cls)

Method parameters in org.apache.cxf.aegis.databinding with type arguments of type AegisType
protected  void AegisDatabinding.initializeMessage(Service s, TypeMapping serviceTM, AbstractMessageContainer container, int partType, Set<AegisType> deps)

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type that return AegisType
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createArrayType(TypeClassInfo info)
abstract  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createCollectionType(TypeClassInfo info)
 AegisType DefaultTypeCreator.createCollectionType(TypeClassInfo info)
 AegisType XMLTypeCreator.createCollectionType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createCollectionTypeFromGeneric(TypeClassInfo info)
abstract  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createDefaultType(TypeClassInfo info)
 AegisType DefaultTypeCreator.createDefaultType(TypeClassInfo info)
 AegisType XMLTypeCreator.createDefaultType(TypeClassInfo info)
 AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createEnumType(TypeClassInfo info)
 AegisType XMLTypeCreator.createEnumType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createHolderType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createMapType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createMapType(TypeClassInfo info, AegisType keyType, AegisType valueType)
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createObjectType()
 AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createType(Class<?> clazz)
 AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createType(Field f)
          Create type information for a Field.
 AegisType TypeCreator.createType(Field f)
 AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createType(Method m, int index)
          Create a AegisType for a Method parameter.
 AegisType TypeCreator.createType(Method m, int index)
 AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createType(PropertyDescriptor pd)
          Create type information for a PropertyDescriptor.
 AegisType TypeCreator.createType(PropertyDescriptor pd)
 AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createType(Type t)
          Create an Aegis type from a reflected type description.
 AegisType TypeCreator.createType(Type type)
 AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createTypeForClass(TypeClassInfo info)
 AegisType TypeCreator.createTypeForClass(TypeClassInfo info)
          Turn a TypeClassInfo into a type.
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createUserType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.getOrCreateGenericType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType XMLTypeCreator.getOrCreateGenericType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.getOrCreateMapKeyType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType DefaultTypeCreator.getOrCreateMapKeyType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType XMLTypeCreator.getOrCreateMapKeyType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.getOrCreateMapValueType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType DefaultTypeCreator.getOrCreateMapValueType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType XMLTypeCreator.getOrCreateMapValueType(TypeClassInfo info)
static AegisType TypeUtil.getReadType(XMLStreamReader xsr, AegisContext context, AegisType baseType)
static AegisType TypeUtil.getReadTypeStandalone(XMLStreamReader xsr, AegisContext context, AegisType baseType)
          getReadType cannot just look up the xsi:type in the mapping.
 AegisType DefaultTypeMapping.getType(QName xmlType)
 AegisType TypeMapping.getType(QName xmlType)
 AegisType DefaultTypeMapping.getType(Type javaType)
 AegisType TypeMapping.getType(Type javaType)
static AegisType TypeUtil.getWriteType(AegisContext globalContext, Object value, AegisType type)
static AegisType TypeUtil.getWriteTypeStandalone(AegisContext globalContext, Object value, AegisType type)
static AegisType TypeUtil.getWriteTypeStandalone(AegisContext globalContext, Object value, Type reflectType)
          Allow writing of collections when the type of the collection object is known via an Type object.

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type that return types with arguments of type AegisType
 Class<? extends AegisType> TypeClassInfo.getAegisTypeClass()
 Set<AegisType> AegisType.getDependencies()
          Return a set of AegisType dependencies.

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type with parameters of type AegisType
protected  QName AbstractTypeCreator.createCollectionQName(TypeClassInfo info, AegisType type)
protected  QName AbstractTypeCreator.createMapQName(TypeClassInfo info, AegisType keyType, AegisType valueType)
protected  AegisType AbstractTypeCreator.createMapType(TypeClassInfo info, AegisType keyType, AegisType valueType)
static AegisType TypeUtil.getReadType(XMLStreamReader xsr, AegisContext context, AegisType baseType)
static AegisType TypeUtil.getReadTypeStandalone(XMLStreamReader xsr, AegisContext context, AegisType baseType)
          getReadType cannot just look up the xsi:type in the mapping.
static AegisType TypeUtil.getWriteType(AegisContext globalContext, Object value, AegisType type)
static AegisType TypeUtil.getWriteTypeStandalone(AegisContext globalContext, Object value, AegisType type)
 void DefaultTypeMapping.register(AegisType type)
          Register a type that self-describes the schema type and the Java class.
 void TypeMapping.register(AegisType type)
          Register a type that self-describes the schema type and the Java class.
 void DefaultTypeMapping.register(Type javaType, QName xmlType, AegisType type)
 void TypeMapping.register(Type javaType, QName xmlType, AegisType type)
          Register a type, manually specifying the java class, the schema type, and the Aegis type object that provides serialization, deserialization, and schema.
 void DefaultTypeMapping.removeType(AegisType type)
 void TypeMapping.removeType(AegisType type)
static void TypeUtil.setAttributeAttributes(QName name, AegisType type, org.apache.ws.commons.schema.XmlSchema root)

Method parameters in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type with type arguments of type AegisType
 void TypeClassInfo.setAegisTypeClass(Class<? extends AegisType> aegisTypeClass)

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.basic

Subclasses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.basic
 class ArrayType
          An ArrayType.
 class Base64Type
          Converts back and forth to byte[] objects.
 class BeanType
          Serializes JavaBeans.
 class BigDecimalType
          AegisType for a BigDecimal
 class BigIntegerType
          AegisType for a BigInteger
 class BooleanType
          Aegis type for Boolean.
 class ByteType
 class CalendarType
          AegisType for the Calendar class.
 class CharacterAsStringType
 class CharacterType
 class DateTimeType
          AegisType for the Date class which serializes as an xsd:dateTime.
 class DateType
          AegisType for the Date class which serializes as an xsd:date (no time information).
 class DoubleType
 class FloatType
 class IntType
 class LongType
 class ObjectType
          AegisType for runtime inspection of types.
 class ShortType
 class SqlDateType
          AegisType for the java.sql.Date class which serializes as an xsd:date (no time information).
 class StringType
 class TimestampType
          AegisType for the Time class which serializes to an xs:time.
 class TimeType
          AegisType for the Time class which serializes to an xs:time.
 class TimezoneLessDateType
          AegisType for the Date class which serializes as an xsd:date (no time and timezone information).
 class URIType
          AegisType for a URI

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.basic that return AegisType
 AegisType ObjectType.determineType(Context context, Class<?> clazz)
 AegisType ArrayType.getComponentType()
          Get the AegisType of the elements in the array.
protected  AegisType BeanType.getElementType(QName name, BeanTypeInfo beanTypeInfo, MessageReader reader, Context context)
 AegisType BeanType.getSuperType()
          Return the AegisType for the superclass if this type's class, if any.
 AegisType BeanTypeInfo.getType(QName name)
          Get the type class for the field with the specified QName.

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.basic that return types with arguments of type AegisType
 Set<AegisType> ArrayType.getDependencies()
 Set<AegisType> BeanType.getDependencies()
          Return a set of AegisType dependencies.
 Set<AegisType> ObjectType.getDependencies()

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.basic with parameters of type AegisType
 void BeanTypeInfo.mapType(QName name, AegisType type)
protected  void BeanType.writeElement(QName name, Object value, AegisType type, MessageWriter writer, Context context)
protected  void ArrayType.writeValue(Object value, MessageWriter writer, Context context, AegisType type, String name, String ns)

Method parameters in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.basic with type arguments of type AegisType
 void ObjectType.setDependencies(Set<AegisType> dependencies)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.basic with type arguments of type AegisType
ObjectType(Set<AegisType> dependencies)
ObjectType(Set<AegisType> dependencies, boolean serializeWhenUnknown)

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.collection

Subclasses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.collection
 class CollectionType
 class MapType

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.collection that return AegisType
 AegisType CollectionType.getComponentType()
 AegisType MapType.getKeyType()
 AegisType MapType.getValueType()

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.collection that return types with arguments of type AegisType
 Set<AegisType> MapType.getDependencies()

Constructors in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.collection with parameters of type AegisType
CollectionType(AegisType componentType)
MapType(QName schemaType, AegisType keyType, AegisType valueType)

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.encoded

Subclasses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.encoded
 class SoapArrayType
 class SoapRefType
          SoapRefType reads and writes SoapRef objects.
 class StructType
          StructType is a small extension of the BeanType which can properly read and write SOAP encoded structs.

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.encoded that return AegisType
 AegisType SoapArrayType.getComponentType()
          Get the AegisType of the elements in the array.
protected  AegisType StructType.getElementType(QName name, BeanTypeInfo beanTypeInfo, MessageReader reader, Context context)
          Returns a SoapRefType wrapping the actual type.
 AegisType ArrayTypeInfo.getType()

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.encoded that return types with arguments of type AegisType
 Set<AegisType> SoapArrayType.getDependencies()
 Set<AegisType> SoapRefType.getDependencies()

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.encoded with parameters of type AegisType
protected  void StructType.writeElement(QName name, Object value, AegisType type, MessageWriter writer, Context context)
          Writes a nested element with an unqualified name.
protected  void SoapArrayType.writeValue(Object value, MessageWriter writer, Context context, AegisType type)

Constructors in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.encoded with parameters of type AegisType
SoapRefType(AegisType baseType)

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.java5

Subclasses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.java5
 class DurationType
 class EnumType
 class XMLGregorianCalendarType

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.java5 that return AegisType
 AegisType Java5TypeCreator.createCollectionType(TypeClassInfo info)
 AegisType Java5TypeCreator.createDefaultType(TypeClassInfo info)
 AegisType Java5TypeCreator.createEnumType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType Java5TypeCreator.getOrCreateGenericType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType Java5TypeCreator.getOrCreateMapKeyType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType Java5TypeCreator.getOrCreateMapValueType(TypeClassInfo info)
protected  AegisType Java5TypeCreator.getOrCreateParameterizedType(TypeClassInfo generic, int index, boolean map)

Methods in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.java5 that return types with arguments of type AegisType
static Class<? extends AegisType> Java5TypeCreator.castToAegisTypeClass(Class<?> c)

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.mtom

Subclasses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.mtom
 class AbstractXOPType
          Base class for MtoM types.
 class ByteArrayType
          Byte arrays.
 class DataHandlerType
          Binding for DataHandler.
 class DataSourceType
          Binding for DataSource.

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.xml

Subclasses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.xml
 class DocumentType
          Reads and writes org.w3c.dom.Document types.
 class JDOMDocumentType
          Reads and writes org.w3c.dom.Document types.
 class JDOMElementType
          Reads and writes org.w3c.dom.Document types.
 class SourceType
          Reads and writes javax.xml.transform.Source types.
 class XMLStreamReaderType
          Reads and writes org.w3c.dom.Document types.

Uses of AegisType in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.aegis

Methods in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.aegis with parameters of type AegisType
protected  XMLStreamReader AegisElementProvider.createStreamReader(AegisType topType, InputStream is)
protected  XMLStreamReader AegisJSONProvider.createStreamReader(AegisType typeToRead, InputStream is)

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF