Apache CXF API

Interface LoginSecurityContext

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultSecurityContext, JAXRSSAMLSecurityContext, RolePrefixSecurityContextImpl, SAMLSecurityContext

public interface LoginSecurityContext
extends SecurityContext

LoginSecurityContext provides additional information about the authenticated principal. SecurityContext implementations which can get the authenticated Subject and/or the list of the user roles may implement this interface.

Method Summary
 Subject getSubject()
          Returns the Subject representing the current authenticated user.
 Set<Principal> getUserRoles()
          Returns a set of Principals representing the roles assigned to the current authenticated user Principal
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.cxf.security.SecurityContext
getUserPrincipal, isUserInRole

Method Detail


Subject getSubject()
Returns the Subject representing the current authenticated user.

the subject


Set<Principal> getUserRoles()
Returns a set of Principals representing the roles assigned to the current authenticated user Principal

the roles

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF