Apache CXF API

Package org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j

Class Summary
AbstractUsernameTokenAuthenticatingInterceptor Base class providing an extensibility point for populating javax.security.auth.Subject from a current UsernameToken.
CryptoCoverageChecker Utility to enable the checking of WS-Security signature/encryption coverage based on the results of the WSS4J processors.
CryptoCoverageChecker.XPathExpression A simple wrapper for an XPath expression and coverage type / scope indicating how the XPath expression should be enforced as a cryptographic coverage requirement.
CryptoCoverageUtil Utility to enable the checking of WS-Security signature / WS-Security encryption coverage based on the results of the WSS4J signature/encryption processor.
DefaultCryptoCoverageChecker This utility extends the CryptoCoverageChecker to provide an easy way to check to see if the SOAP (1.1 + 1.2) Body was signed and/or encrypted, if the Timestamp was signed, and if the WS-Addressing ReplyTo and FaultTo headers were signed.
SamlTokenInterceptor An interceptor to create and add a SAML token to the security header of an outbound request, and to process a SAML Token on an inbound request.
WSS4JInInterceptor Performs WS-Security inbound actions.

Enum Summary
CryptoCoverageUtil.CoverageScope Differentiates which part of an element to check for cryptographic coverage.
CryptoCoverageUtil.CoverageType Differentiates which type of cryptographic coverage to check for.

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF