Apache CXF API

Uses of Class

Packages that use WebClient

Uses of WebClient in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client

Methods in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client that return WebClient
 WebClient WebClient.accept(javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType... types)
 WebClient WebClient.accept(String... types)
 WebClient WebClient.acceptEncoding(String... encodings)
 WebClient WebClient.acceptLanguage(String... languages)
 WebClient WebClient.back(boolean fast)
          Goes back
 WebClient WebClient.cookie(javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie cookie)
static WebClient WebClient.create(String baseAddress)
          Creates WebClient
static WebClient WebClient.create(String baseURI, boolean threadSafe)
          Creates WebClient
static WebClient WebClient.create(String baseAddress, List<?> providers)
          Creates WebClient
static WebClient WebClient.create(String baseAddress, List<?> providers, boolean threadSafe)
          Creates WebClient
static WebClient WebClient.create(String baseAddress, List<?> providers, String configLocation)
          Creates a Spring-configuration aware WebClient
static WebClient WebClient.create(String baseAddress, String configLocation)
          Creates a Spring-configuration aware WebClient
static WebClient WebClient.create(String baseAddress, String username, String password, String configLocation)
          Creates a Spring-configuration aware WebClient which will do basic authentication
static WebClient WebClient.create(URI baseURI)
          Creates WebClient
 WebClient JAXRSClientFactoryBean.createWebClient()
          Creates a WebClient instance
 WebClient WebClient.encoding(String encoding)
 WebClient WebClient.fragment(String name)
          Updates the current URI fragment
static WebClient WebClient.fromClient(Client client)
          Creates WebClient, baseURI will be set to Client currentURI
static WebClient WebClient.fromClient(Client client, boolean inheritHeaders)
          Creates WebClient, baseURI will be set to Client currentURI
 WebClient WebClient.header(String name, Object... values)
 WebClient WebClient.headers(javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap<String,String> map)
 WebClient WebClient.language(String language)
 WebClient WebClient.match(javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag tag, boolean ifNot)
 WebClient WebClient.matrix(String name, Object... values)
          Updates the current URI matrix parameters
 WebClient WebClient.modified(Date date, boolean ifNot)
 WebClient WebClient.path(Object path)
          Updates the current URI path
 WebClient WebClient.path(String path, Object... values)
          Updates the current URI path with path segment which may contain template variables
 WebClient WebClient.query(String name, Object... values)
          Updates the current URI query parameters
 WebClient WebClient.replacePath(String path)
          Replaces the current path with the new value.
 WebClient WebClient.replaceQuery(String queryString)
          Replaces the current query with the new value.
 WebClient WebClient.replaceQueryParam(String queryParam, Object... value)
          Replaces the current query with the new value.
 WebClient WebClient.reset()
 WebClient WebClient.resetQuery()
          Resets the current query
 WebClient WebClient.to(String newAddress, boolean forward)
          Moves WebClient to a new baseURI or forwards to new currentURI
 WebClient WebClient.type(javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType ct)
 WebClient WebClient.type(String type)

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF