Apache CXF API

Package org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing

Interface Summary
AddressingConstants Encapsulation of version-specific WS-Addressing constants.
AddressingProperties Abstraction of Message Addressing Properties.
AddressingType Encapsulates the WS-Addressing namespace URI (and by implication, also the version).
MessageIdCache Interface abstracting various ID caches for enforcement of ID uniqueness.

Class Summary
AddressingBuilder Factory for WS-Addressing elements.
AttributedAnyType Java class for AttributedAnyType complex type.
AttributedQNameType Java class for AttributedQNameType complex type.
AttributedUnsignedLongType Java class for AttributedUnsignedLongType complex type.
AttributedURIType Java class for AttributedURIType complex type.
ContextUtils Holder for utility methods relating to contexts.
EndpointReferenceType Java class for EndpointReferenceType complex type.
JAXWSAConstants A container for WS-Addressing constants.
MAPAggregator Logical Handler responsible for aggregating the Message Addressing Properties for outgoing messages.
MetadataType Java class for MetadataType complex type.
Names Holder for WS-Addressing names (of headers, namespaces etc.).
NSManager Only public/static/final fields can be resolved The prefix MUST ends with _PREFIX Namespace MUST starts with NS_ The value of the _PREFIX is the suffix of NS_ e.g public static final String WSAW_PREFIX = "wsaw"; public static final String NS_WSAW = "http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl";
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing package.
ProblemActionType Java class for ProblemActionType complex type.
ReferenceParametersType Java class for ReferenceParametersType complex type.
RelatesToType Java class for RelatesToType complex type.
VersionTransformer This class is responsible for transforming between the native WS-Addressing schema version (i.e.
VersionTransformer.Names200403 Holder for 2004/03 Names
VersionTransformer.Names200408 Holder for 2004/08 Names
WSAContextUtils Holder for utility methods relating to contexts.

Enum Summary

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF